GlossyBox: Valentine's Day Edition

Thursday 2 February 2012

EYEKO Skinny Eyeliner

As I mentioned in my Get in Line post, eye liner is a must in my everyday make up routine so of course I was pleased to find one had been included in my GlossyBox this month. This product is designed to improve the precision and definition when applying liner whilst giving a subtle and smooth finish. I only use pencil liners along by bottom lash line and I prefer to have a soft line rather than a thick bold line so this 'Skinny Liner' is just what I need.The shade of liner I received was 'Plum', a colour I wouldn't have thought to have tried but figured it would be a nice change to my usual preference of black. And indeed it is! I really love this shade against my eye colour they both really complement each other. I have light brown eyes and have always struggled to find colours that suit, whether it be eye shadows or liners. Black is definitely out, say hello to plum! 

ORLY Nail Lacquer

At first glimpse my thought was 'its too dark!', if you've had the chance to read my A/W Nails post you would recall that I just can't pull off dark shades of nail polish and therefore I avoid them completely. My 5.3ml sample was shade 'Ruby' (full size 18ml retails at £6.95) and before use can only be described as a dark red, however after giving it a go I was rather mislead. Once the product was on my nails I noticed the colour to be more of a warm cranberry shade, not too dark at all and I am actually taking a liking to it. Only one coat was required but I would say this was my personal choice as I figured another would give me the dark red shade I was avoiding. The only disappointment with this polish is that it does chip quite easily and noticeably which is a real let down as I have only been wearing it for a couple of days so I wouldn't rate highly for its durability. 

WELEDA One Step Cleanser& Toner

This was a 10ml travel sized sample created with natural essential oils that help to cleanse and tone your skin. This product as a delightful scent of lemon and feels extremely gentle and light on my skin leaving it feeling fresh after use. Being such a small size I don't expect it to last that long although you do only need a small amount for every use. I can't criticise on this product but I don't have any intentions of purchasing it any time soon as I am settled with my current cleanser. 

FAB Gentle Body Wash

Unfortunately I won't be making much use of this product as it is aimed to tackle redness and dry skin - which I don't have. This body wash is aimed at sensitive skin, relieving irritations and cleansing thoroughly. It's also fragrance free which is really unappealing. 

MURAD Hybrids Skin Perfecting primer - Dewey finish

At the moment I use Clinique's Pore Refining Solutions, Instant Perfector as a base to my make up as it gives an even finish as well as minimising pores which is exactly what this primer by Murad also promises to do. My tube of instant perfecter is actually seeing its last days so I couldn't have received this primer at a better time! A small pea sized amount is all you will need to apply after moisturising your skin and it blends evenly all over leaving a fresh glow. The product can be used in place of foundation however I didn't think it gave enough coverage at all which isn't ideal for my skin, personally, as I suffer from blemishes and have an uneven skin tone. This primer did give my face more radiance and a 'dewey' finish but I wouldn't say it disguised my pores as well as the instant  perfecter so I doubt I will use this on a daily basis.  

Tamara x

1 comment

  1. Very nice. I'm Waiting For My beauty box :)


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