Muji Makeup Storage

Friday 4 November 2011

For an unnecessary amount of time, I resorted to throwing all my make up products and brushes into one small make up bag, which on a daily basis made it a mission to search through the clutter to find what I needed and in the end I found myself tipping every thing out to only then put back. It was all a total mess! Over time I have managed to make a collection of unused lip sticks, mascaras and blushers, some that I wasn't even aware I had...

I wanted to find a way to organise my make up, I'm a perfectionist and admittedly a bit of a neat freak, so having a bag of beautiful mess just wasn't acceptable. Ideally I needed something that would allow me to categorise my products (face, eyes, lips e.t.c). Whilst watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians...yes I shamefully watch American reality shows...I noticed how the girls organised their make up. 

These acrylic drawers are the perfect, yet simplest way to keep make up organised and since they're clear, you don't have to search through to find what you're looking for. It took me a while to find some for myself that weren't too over priced and at last I came across Muji which had exactly what I needed. I decided to buy them in store but they are available to purchase online and come in a variety of sizes.

This is Mujis Acrylic Box-2 drawer in size w17.5 x d13 x h9.5cm. I bought two of these at a price of £7.95 each and I don't know how I managed without them. They're so efficient and they can be stacked upon one another. I've actually come to realise four drawers really isn't enough for everything, so I do plan to buy more as I just can't seem to stop buying make up! These are a MUST have if, like me, you have an over flowing bundle of beauty that needs a good old sorting. 

Tamara x

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