Blogmas: Christmas TAG

Wednesday 3 December 2014

1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic?
Although we've always had a synthetic tree in my house each year, I much prefer to have a real one. I just love that Christmas tree smell and fingers crossed this year we're ditching the plastic.

2. You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
Gingerbread Latte is of course a favourite but nothing beats a delicious hot chocolate with cream. If you haven't already, go and try the Starbucks Honey and Almond hot chocolate.

3. Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
Very traditional; red, white and gold.

4. Giving or receiving?
I really enjoy getting presents for loved ones and wrapping them up nicely..although I don't like the effect it has on my bank balance.

5. To mince pie or not to?
Oh I do love a good mince pie but I must admit I used to despise them years ago. At home we have mince pie scented candles that smell AMAZING. 

6. What's your traditional Christmas lunch?
Turkey, obviously. Goose fat roasted potatoes, parsnips, greens, pigs in blankets, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Oh and plenty of gravy!

7. Christmas day fashion
I like to dress up for Christmas lunch but once that has been devoured it's on with the PJ's, cosy socks and Christmas jumper.

8. What's your favourite Christmas song?
Nothing too cheesy. I quite like songs from the late 1940's and early 50's like 'Let it Snow' or 'It's beginning to Look a lot like Christmas'.

9. What's your favourite Christmas film?
I don't know if it counts as a film but every year I have to watch The Snowman regardless of how old I am it's a must. Elf is also a film I watch several times over the festive period.

10. Open presents before or after lunch?
Always before lunch and sometimes a cheeky one on Christmas Eve.

How do you spend your Christmas? I'd love to know, take the TAG and share :)

Tamara x

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