Behind the Scenes TAG

Monday 10 November 2014

1. Why and when did you start blogging?
It was after I had left University in 2011, Summer was over and I was somewhat in a daze where I didn't really know what the next step in my life was. I was applying for jobs without a clear mind of what I wanted to do and nothing was really filling up my time. I started reading blogs and I really liked the idea of having a little space on the internet to call my own. Generally I like to review products on retailer sites but by creating a blog I was able bring all my opinions together into one place.

2. What gives you inspiration for blog posts?
Reading other blogs helps me to determine what posts readers are currently enjoying. New product launches and trends also help me to plan ahead, whether it be a simple review or a 'how to' post. But generally I review most products I have recently purchased or favour the most.

3. What advise would you give to people starting out?
One. Write honestly. I can be quite critical in my reviews but that's one of the main reasons I began blogging. I didn't feel that other bloggers were giving their true opinions if at all when it came to reviews. And two, brainstorm a few post ideas beforehand, there are plenty of articles out there on blog content ideas. This will really help to get the ball rolling!

4. What is the best thing about being a blogger?
Having a following makes me really happy, although it's small, it still makes me smile to know that someone has taken the time to read my posts and subscribe to something I created myself. My readers leave me such lovely comments and I make sure to reply to every single one.

5. What do your friends and family think about you being a blogger?
My mum is especially proud of my blog and has even had a couple of her own reviews featured. My friends are always complimenting my posts and I love being able to give them beauty tips and advice.

6. Is blogging how you pictured it to be?
I think deep down I always knew it was going to be a challenge, the reality is there are lot more sharks in the sea. Regardless I write my blog because I want to and I enjoy creating posts, taking pictures and sharing advice. One thing I didn't prepare myself for were times where I have no inspiration and little motivation. I try my best not to compare myself to more successful beauty gurus but there have been times in the past where my confidence has been knocked.

7. Are there any bloggers that you feel deserve more readers/ have you made any friends through blogging?
Unfortunately I haven't really been to many blogger events to have the opportunity to meet other beauty writers and I don't currently have any other friends who blog. Most bloggers I am subscribed to have a large following, but you may want to read my post from last month, where I mention five blogs I think people should read.

8. What inspired your blog name?
As you can obviously tell my blog revolves around beauty and due to my obsession with alliteration, it was either going to be Beauty Babble or Beauty Banter but these names weren't my cup of tea so I settled for Beauty Blah Blah Blah!

Tamara x


  1. Loved reading your answers! Thank you for doing my tag<3 xxx


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